So tempting just to hit update without thinking….. but half way through a big project is no time to just go clicking on install…. no matter how… much… you.. w a n t t o …..
Stop and think. Are all your plugins compatible? Will it take a while to install everything? Time you should be spent on finishing that latest comp off… Worry not, the updates will still be there in a few days /weeks and most likely with some nice patch updates already bundled in them too
If you can’t wait then hot download, but before you instal make sure you twirl down the advanced tab and uncheck the ‘uninstall previous versions’ box, just in case. You can always remove these later once everything is running smoothly.
There’s a good write up on Mac Rumours and an overview of the updates on Adobe
I love the look of the new face tacker and I’ve been waiting for the Character Animator feature for ages! You can act out movements on a web cam and it animates your character automatically! Which-craft I tells ya!